
Thursday, January 1, 2009


I started last year with no clear plan of how I was going to spend less money but, gave myself the entire year to try different things to see what worked for my family.

I did not have a detailed budget and I did not keep up with my actual spending/savings. My main objectives were very basic. Pay off loans, pay off credit cards, spend smarter and save more.

It is amazing what you learn about yourself when you spend a year consciously thinking about what you are spending your money on.

I feel like I did a good job but, I could have done better. 2009 is going to be my year! My debit card is the next thing to go. It is just too easy for me to go into a store and swipe my card and never think about it again.

By tomorrow my ‘very’ detailed budget for the year will be finished and I will account for every penny I make and spend.


sobohon said...

Good luck, MyShelly! I just found your site. I've been doing the frugal thing for years (I'm an artist, so I have to) but can always use new tips. Thanks for your site!

MyShelly said...

Thank you for visiting! I am glad yall found me. I am going to depend on everyone to 'keep me in line' this year :)